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Matin Fou (sylvaner) - Alsace - Winery Lindenlaub
Matin Fou (sylvaner) - Alsace - Winery Lindenlaub
Matin Fou (sylvaner) - Alsace - Winery Lindenlaub zoom

Matin Fou 2023 | Winery Lindenlaub

Christophe Lindenlaub

Alsace White 2023

14,90 €

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Our opinion on this wine

Matin Fou 2023 (sylvaner) - Alsace - Winery Lindenlaub

The wine's freshness is apparent from the very first scents, from the imposing grapefruit to the more discreet lemon. We taste...super, a full-bodied Sylvaner that delivers on all its promises, going straight but dictating its law by delivering beautiful substance. It concludes with a light acidity. 


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