Legal Notice
Editing/Publishing of the site :
Petites Caves200 boulevard de la résistance 71000 Mâcon, France
Company name : PETITES CAVES
Share capital : 10000,00€
SIRET NO: 92758363300015
VAT number : FR70927583633
Director of publication : 927 583 633 R.C.S. Macon
Trenta ( with the participation of Aurélie de la Pontais (
Technical integration & website hosting :
Axome (
- Head office address of our web host Axome: 30 Rue Agricol Perdiguier, 42100 Saint-Étienne, France.
- Phone number of our internet host Axome : 04 77 81 38 13
Respect for privacy and personal data :
The data is collected for the exclusive purpose of establishing a commercial and professional relationship with customers. Personal data are kept by for a reasonable period of time. If the person does not provide all the information requested in a mandatory manner in the forms on the site (*Mandatory fields), he can not validate the form and therefore can not contact PetitesCaves, the right of access and rectification provided for in Article 34 and following of the Act mentioned above is exercised by mail to the address :
Petitescaves, 200 boulevard de la résistance 71000 Mâcon
Safety Advisory :
In order to ensure its security and to guarantee its access to all, this website uses software to control the flows on the site, to identify unauthorized attempts to connect or change information, or any other initiative that may cause other damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload information, to alter information, to cause damage and generally speaking any attack on the availability and integrity of this site are strictly prohibited and will be punished by the penal code. Thus article 323-1 of the penal code provides that the fact of fraudulently accessing or remaining in all or part of an automated data processing system (this is the case of an Internet site) is punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 Euros. Article 323-3 of the same code provides that fraudulently introducing data into an automated data processing system or fraudulently deleting or modifying the data it contains is punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 Euros.