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<h2></h2> <p><strong>Magnum Romaneaux-Destezet 2021 - Vin blanc - Hervé et Béatrice Souhaut</strong></p>
<h2></h2> <p><strong>Magnum Romaneaux-Destezet 2021 - Vin blanc - Hervé et Béatrice Souhaut</strong></p>

Magnum Romaneaux Destezet 2023 | Hervé Souhaut

Hervé Souhaut

Vin de Pays de l'Ardèche White 2023

54,90 €

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Our opinion on this wine

Magnum Romaneaux-Destezet 2023 - White wine - Hervé et Béatrice Souhaut

It's a little bomb of fruit and freshness when young, but the ageing
brings plenty of character and finesse too. A great white wine not so easily found in the Northern Rhône Valley!


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