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7 Products
Premières longueurs 2023 | Thomas ChanyPremières longueurs 2023 | Thomas Chany
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Premières longueurs 2023 | Thomas Chany

13,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Premières longueurs 2023 - Vin de France - Thomas Chany A base de 100% grenache, cette cuvée, entrée de gamme chez Thomas, est une petite merveille de de fruits...

Gibraltar 2022 | Domaine PadiéGibraltar 2022 | Domaine Padié
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Gibraltar 2022 | Domaine Padié

25,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Gibraltar 2022 - Vin de France - Domaine Padié Un pur jus de 100% grenache, fruits rouges pleins, croquants et savoureux, une touche d'épices du Sud, une salivation (fraicheur)...

Le Tourbillon de la Vie rouge 2022 | Domaine PadiéLe Tourbillon de la Vie rouge 2022 | Domaine Padié
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Le Tourbillon de la Vie rouge 2022 | Domaine Padié

13,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Le Tourbillon de la Vie 2022 de Jean Philippe Padié Petit prix, grand plaisir. Sur le fruit, très clairement, de la fraîcheur en veux-tu en voilà. Pas sûr qu'une...

La Papesse 2023 | Domaine GramenonLa Papesse 2023 | Domaine Gramenon
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La Papesse 2023 | Domaine Gramenon

33,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin La Papesse 2023 - Côtes du Rhône - Domaine Gramenon Un nez qui vous plonge dans l'envie de mordre à pleine bouche... Oui, il y a du croquant dans...

Damned blanc 2022 | La Petite BaigneuseDamned blanc 2022 | La Petite Baigneuse
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Damned blanc 2022 | La Petite Baigneuse

17,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Damned blanc/rosé 2022 (Pet Nat) - La Petite Baigneuse Un pet-nat en blanc de noir sur une presse directe de grenache noir C'est gouleyant, frais et facile ! Vigne...

Les Loustics 2023 | La Petite BaigneuseLes Loustics 2023 | La Petite Baigneuse
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Les Loustics 2023 | La Petite Baigneuse

17,50 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Les Loustics 2023 - La Petite Baigneuse Le nez est assez concentré sur les fruits rouges. L'attaque est franche est subtile. Un beau fruité avec une longueur en bouche....

Vin Doux Naturel Rasteau Grenat | BalmeVin Doux Naturel Rasteau Grenat | Balme
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Vin Doux Naturel Rasteau Grenat | Balme

16,90 €

Notre avis sur ce vin Vin Doux Naturel Rasteau Grenat 2022 - Elodie Balme ( 50 cl !!! ) Concentration parfaite, bel équilibre. Du cassis, de la framboise, de la cerise. Et toujours ce...

Natural or organic wines?

Made fromorganic agriculture (AB), the natural wine aims to rediscover the expression of a terroir, far from formatted and conventional practices. By rejecting the use of chemicals, the winemaker By rejecting the use of chemical products, the "natural" wine maker, who is sensitive to the respect of his environment, produces a living and free wine. Natural wines, natural wines, organic wines...whatever the name, the main principles are there: the will for all the selected winegrowers to propose wines in an organic spirit or even in biodynamics. Grapes often harvested by hand, vintages with little or no added sulphite, wines made with a maximum of indigenous yeasts... Respect for authenticity, for nature, and for your health!



Regulated by European specifications, it guarantees that no chemicals (including herbicides) have been used to treat the vines. This means that the vines have to be worked mechanically. For fertilization, only natural products are authorized.


Two certification bodies, Demeter and Biodyvin, require wines to be organically farmed. Biodynamics is based on the writings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Biodynamic preparations promote biodiversity in the vineyard. The lunar calendar, the stars and their movements are also important to them.


A "vin nature" is a wine made as naturally as possible: manual harvesting, indigenous yeasts specific to the grapes and their environment, no chaptalization, no acidification, little or no use of SO2... the winemaker intervenes as little as possible, accompanying his wine. Launched in 2019 to clarify this approach, the "Syndicat de défense des Vins Nature'l' is a private organization that has drawn up a charter defining vin nature. It offers a certifying label, the "Vin Méthode Nature", officially validated by the fraud services (DGCCRF) in March 2020. You can find its logo on the bottles concerned. To find out more:

organic biodynamic wines nature understanding knowledge


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